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Class of 1981-2000


Total Giving: $55,477

Participation: 23%

Stephen E. Binder + (30)
Donna M. Bodnar + (23)
Michael A. Burdett (12)
Nicholas Dawidoff (28)
Eugene N. Dorsi (11)
David S. Evans + (10)
Elizabeth L. Ferando + # (34)
Peter W. Foltz (11)
Donald P. Granger
Randy L. Harrison + (16)
John C. Kennedy III + (8)
Merrick R. Kleeman +
Mark W. Lewis (15)
James F. Passarelli (32)
Robin Perlmutter-Goldenson (12)
Kevin C. Piscitelli + (20)
Melissa A. Powell (18)
Alexander Taft
Mark A. Velleca (8)
Giles T. Welles (18)
Arnold B. West + # (23)
Andrea L. Zuckerman (10)



Total Giving: $33,408

Participation: 14%

Preston W. Brooks
Frank S. Crane IV (22)
Jeffrey Fontana (21)
Jill E. Glickman (7)
Daniel B. Hurwitz + (8)
Kirsten Johnson-Adams (37)
Lars Jorgensen (9)
Peter Kosinski
Diane E. Lifton +
Andrew B. Maretz + (15)
David M. Murphy +
Brice H. Peyre
George E. Triantaris (9)



Total Giving: $8,650

Participation: 8%

Medina Tyson Jett + (8)
Philip D. Johnson (31)
Charles A. Lewinsohn (6)
Edward W. Lovejoy (19)
Steven Sneideman # (13)
Seth D. Stier + (20)
Lisa Fishbone Wallack (6)
Amy Yanagisawa-Wilkins



Total Giving: $29,629

Participation: 18%

Victor B. Feinberg Alfandre (20)
Betsy K. Angeletti
Melanie E. Barron-Goldstein + (13)
Amy E. Chepaitis (10)
Ronald P. Delfini (22)
Mary E. DelMonico (13)
Gwen E. Evans + (11)
Richard E. Fearon, Jr. + (8)
Jennifer Gill Fondiller
Jennifer S. Gifford
Tammron J. Kleeman + # (20)
Jerome S. Klein + # (22)
Michael D. Lichtenstein (12)
Beth F. Milles (15)
Paul B. Schatz + # (20)
Sheri B. Sochrin
Angela R. Lewis Wardlaw
Talbot A. Welles (7)


1985 | 35th Reunion

Total Giving: $3,077

Participation: 17%

Bethany Schowalter Appleby (22)
Phoebe C. Boyer
Massimo Calabresi (11)
Amy Champagne Cartmell
A. D. Giordano (26)
Marcella Hourihane (12)
Emily L. Howard (14)
Kirk S. Kolligian
Kenneth E. Lee (21)
Matthew A. Lieberman (14)
David Low
Marice Dorsey McNeil
Namita P. Pandiri Mohideen # (14)
Rebecca Smith (6)
Heather H. Taylor (35)
Brian A. Vasey (30)
Howard J. Young # (8)



Total Giving: $5,533

Participation: 17%

Kevin C. Baer (24)
Hans N. Berglund
Christopher C. Bogan
Helen Breitwieser +
John J. Carangelo (6)
Andrew J. Chepaitis
Rocco J. DeMaio, Jr.
Gillian M. Doyle (6)
William F. Fearon (29)
Matthew W. Greene
Jason R. Lichtenstein (20)
Jennifer R. Hulford Odell (6)
Catherine M. Petraiuolo (34)
Mercedes Sherman
Zachary B. Silverstein (8)
Kyle J. Theodore
Monica M. Watson (15)
Kristen Demir Wilson (26)



Total Giving: $31,637

Participation: 20%

Matthew F. Black (27)
George B. Blake
Heather Wilson Bucknam
Matthew T. Carrano
Jodie Hurwitz Consiglio +
Bruce DelMonico + (19)
Christopher R. Hayes
Megan W. Holbrook #
Jennifer Chernock Howland (9)
Michael J. Iaccarino, Jr.
Andrew G. Isztwan (6)
Keith F. Lender + (16)
Suzanne LaPrade Lewis (21)
Laura T. Lovejoy (9)
Laertes A. Manuelidis (13)
Gina Paolini Marcus
Leslie A. Cavallaro Parillo (26)
Peter G. Sasaki + (33)
Mary Clark Vines + (11)
Mitchell S. Zuklie + (14)



Total Giving: $1,840

Participation: 12%

Peter C. Alegi (22)
Kristi Taylor Baxter (17)
Thomas M. Fahy (29)
Catherine A. Foley (22)
Jonathan N. Grauer (27)
Samantha L. Heller (14)
Natasha M. Lipcan (29)
Ian M. Melchinger (9)
Lars M. Merk
Kenneth M. Potash (24)
Monica J. Powell Powell-Cupid
Adam B. Ruben
Laurie J. Sachs # (30)
Gail R. Watnick



Total Giving: $69,827

Participation: 16%

Gillian Blake (10)
Anatoly Braylovsky (13)
David F. Buxbaum
David Colleran (14)
Brendan J. Foley (8)
Burvee M. Franz III + (8)
Adrienne M. Garofalo (24)
Curtis L. Groves (20)
Craig P. Hersh (23)
Debra L. Markowitz (17)
MaryAlice Yates Mudge (19)
Rebecca J. Nelson (11)
Pamela Crawford Paulmann (28)
Charles J. Polka
Nikki T. McDonald Roberts
Aaron N. Sack + (20)
Jake B. Weinstock + (7)
Scott A. Wich (21)
Lori Iannotti Zyskowski + (19)


1990 | 30th Reunion

Total Giving: $63,768

Participation: 13%

Suzanne R. Hoffer Alderman (6)
Ona E. Alpert-Josselyn
Alisa A. Berger
Elina D. Nudelman Cohen
Avery S. Grauer
Amy B. Nussbaum Levin (21)
Jonathan D. Levin (21)
Anne M. Mansfield Linehan (15)
Michael T. Lipcan III +
Ann J. Maley (14)
Amanda T. Oberg + (20)
Karin E. Stawarky (11)
Naomi Katz Tepper (9)
Jean Lundberg Wright (16)



Total Giving: $54,147

Participation: 22%

Adam Anderson (11)
Rebecca L. Miller Anderson (11)
Benjamin C. Canavan
Amy V. Caplan (7)
Laurie S. Saft Ginsberg
Brian D. Hersh +
Ethan E. Hugo + (23)
Andrew C. Huszar (13)
Oksana A. Hunenko Jackson
Natalie A. Burns Lourenco (7)
Aaron M. Milstone (25)
Jennie W. Bailey Nally
Rachel W. Slayman Platonov
Jessica M. Roberti + (19)
Jonathan M. Ross-Wiley (7)
Josh D. Samuelson +
Geoffrey R. Tanner
Daniel E. Van Der Aue
Najat J. Ziyadeh



Total Giving: $60,040

Participation: 16%

Peter J. Anaclerio (19)
Niall M. Ferguson + (24)
Jamia A. Gaffney
Brian P. Haffner +
Robert J. Klee (12)
Charles F. Kreitler + (14)
MacDuff Kuhnert + (18)
Eric A. Kutcher + (19)
Jason D. Lehman (16)
Matthew C. Lucke + # (19)
Jeffrey C. Possick
Jeffrey M. Sklarz
Ziran Sun
Gregory R. Tanner + (25)
Adam J. Wall



Total Giving: $7,027

Participation: 10%

Christina R. Corso
Emma M. Dickson
Claire B. Fine Fine Lehneis (19)
Gray Scholhamer Hulick
Jennifer A. Hotchkiss Kaplan
Theodore B. Lundberg + (10)
Marc D. Mantell (6)
John P. D. Merk (10)
Derek W. Ohly (14)
Todd M. Ragaza
Kristin Harrison Richardson
Amanda Balog Sanders (15)
Eliza Woolston Sheffield (10)



Total Giving: $27,949

Participation: 16%

Peter B. Bailey + (7)
Adjoa N. Botwe-Asamoah
David E. Brown (9)
John K. Forrest
Katherine Giordano (22)
Joel A. Glassman (8)
Jason N. Golub
Chaiya Laoteppitaks (6)
Keri R. Adams Matthews +
Thomas F. Moore + (20)
Jeremy B. Rosner
Brian W. Smith
Katie E. Wood Testa (24)
Steven R. Testa (24)
Tatyana Trakht (21)
Jacoba Zelinsky Urist + # (7)


1995 | 25th Reunion

Total Giving: $4,993

Participation: 15%

Margaret J. Barbieri Bagga (15)
David J. D'Addio
Ari J. Levine (14)
Timothy S. Mack + (25)
Nicholas A. Mathewson (14)
Neil W. Oliwa (11)
Michaelangelo T. Palmieri
Faiza Mujtaba Riaz + (10)
Ahud Sela
Colby Lichtman Sirowich
Frederick W. Sklarz (17)
Annsley E. Rosner Slawsky + (21)
Eric M. Tichy (22)



Total Giving: $25,196

Participation: 7%

Dana E. Astmann + (18)
Adrian H. Bonenberger
Sarah A. Kreiger Damelin

Katherine Ferguson '96 (10)
Ronald L. Lewis-McCoy
Nicholas A. Nash +
Raphael A. Prober +
Robert A. Wiygul (10)



Total Giving: $4,383

Participation: 17%

Brian H. Cook
Kelly Finucane Cortina + (16)
Laina N. Jones Cox
Joshua B. Gardner
Aneesh Garg
Christopher Gargamelli
Graham J. Gibson
Christopher M. Herbert
Eric S. Hersh (8)
Melissa A. Arminio Kops (19)
Christopher H. Langbein (7)
Maura K. Leary (9)
Theodore E. LeCompte # (7)
Kimberly L. Levinson
Jonathan F. Nast
Theresa C. Santopolo Nast
Evelyn E. Scaramella
Gregory J. Slawsky + (21)
Elisa T. Beller Wiygul (10)



Total Giving: $14,773

Participation: 18%

Frederick C. Albee III
Jonathan E. Astmann + (18)
Elizabeth Ballantyne
Beth G. Reger Birenbaum
Caroline C. Blaker
Misha Body (14)
Tina Chen
James M. Cook (11)
Spencer M. Cooper (14)
Marshall P. Cox
Matthew P. D'Addio (15)
Anne F. Davey
Karla M. Heczkova DeMaio
Eamon W. Griffin (16)
Daniel Kops III (19)
Stephen P. Musante +
Sara B. Nadel
John J. Pantalena + (11)
Ellen S. Schulz (6)
Mark L. Seigel # (22)



Total Giving: $8,632

Participation: 11%

Andrew I. Baron (17)
Lindsay McPherson Batastini (12)
Nicholas J. Britell (6)
Kevin A. Colleran + (17)
Allison L. Grady
Frederick T. Grieb
Peter B. Mack (21)
Matthew A. Selsky + (6)
Emily Swan-Kovar (6)
Charles B. Swirsky
Sophie Woolston (9)


2000 | 20th Reunion

Total Giving: $10,369

Participation: 17%

Alexine Y. Casanova
Robert C. Curry (13)
Patrick J. Dillon-Hughes
Joseph P. Dudas (14)
Alden M. Ferro
James Gette (8)
Magdalena Ilczuk
Andrew M. Katz
Daniel M. Kosinski (8)
Katharine E. Lorimer
Michelle C. Mays
Eric L. Meizlish
Junta Nakai
Ann Verbin Parparita + (16)
Jennifer R. Hoos Rothberg (16)
Clifford A. Sosin (14)
Ryan C. Walsh + (6)
Andrew Y. Yip









1660 Associates





​Beyond the numbers, charts, and lists of an Annual Report are the stories and achievements of those served. Your philanthropic investment in Hopkins has a meaningful and lasting impact on our students, today and in the future, and for that, we are enormously grateful.  Thank you.


Hopkins School’s Annual Report is published annually by the Advancement Office and reflects giving to the School from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. 


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of listings. Please notify the Advancement Office of any error or omission at Hopkins School, 986 Forest Road, New Haven, CT 06515, 203.397.1001 or


*Please note: The Hopkins Fund was formerly named the Annual Fund.

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