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Class of 2001-2020


Total Giving: $4,130

Participation: 9%

Ariel Alter
Catherine E. Foster Ellison + (12)
Lindsay M. Junkin Henry
Hilary W. Blaker Johnson (7)
Esther R. Judelson (16)
Lesley Heffel McGuirk
Sophia Nadel Skaar
Allison Yale Strochlic
S. A. Warner + (11)
Daniel A. Zlotoff (16)



Total Giving: $2,828

Participation: 14%

Olivia Lindquist Bowen
Lisa C. Dunlop
Daphne D. Evans
Elizabeth Fortune (11)
Peter M. Gallo (11)
Katherine C. Goodrich
John C. Ibsen (6)
Eric S. Jacobi
Elaine K. Lou
Alison C. Mirylees
Caitlin D. Moore
Andrew D. Myrick
Joseph L. Nadis
Eleanor J. Appellof Stewart (12)
James W. Thomas (11)
Edward J. Wieser



Total Giving: $1,105

Participation: 3%

Thomas E. Armstrong (8)
Eleanor Campisano
Matthew Perkins (15)
Arielle E. Traub (10)



Total Giving: $1,788

Participation: 13%

Katrina F. Brockwehl (16)
Kevin J. Castellano (8)
Cinque O. Dunham-Carson (11)
Erin M. Johnson
William K. Lane III
Nick M. Lefeber (7)
Kimberly J. Lewis (13)
Thomas W. Lipp (6)
Leland S. Milstein (16)
Jeff M. Musante
Taryn G. Rathbone-Daub (10)
Martha M. Royston (6)
Kelly Ruby
Julie G. Bacon Shuman (16)
Daniel B. Turner-Evans (10)
Kyle N. Zaffin


2005 | 15th Reunion

Total Giving: $2,897

Participation: 15%

Chisom L. Amaechi
Dave E. Arnett
Órlaith M. Carr
Craig P. Cooper (14)
Claire Russo Deisso (14)
Emma Mueller Fedor
Andrew M. Frederickson
Andrew P. Giering
Daniel H. Glaser
Seth D. Halpern
Elyse Schoenfeld Moyer (7)
Oscar M. Parente, Jr.
Nick J. Perkins
Jamilah S. Prince-Stewart
Janov R. Reynolds +
David Rose
Aaron D. Rosenberg
Michael B. Schwartzman
Daniel Sperling (6)



Total Giving: $3,237

Participation: 11%

Emilio Borghesan
Corey M. Briskin (15)
Mychal A. Brown
Elise M. Cardinale
Matthew T. Carpenter
Lucien R. Harlow-Dion
Emilie C. Waters Harris
Victoria A. Havlicek
Lucas R. Kelly-Clyne + (14)
Emma F. Ledbetter (13)
Katherine W. Lupo (13)
James J. McNamara
Zachary T. Prusoff
James E. Ringold (6)



Total Giving: $2,773

Participation: 12%

Cameron T. Bloomer
Dennis E. Briggs (9)
Alexander W. Brockwehl (14)
Sasha D. Burger
Matt D. Carroll
Daniel J. Dimenstein
Katie D'Souza
Eric I. Emanuelson, Jr.
Pierre M. E. Griffith (9)
Rebecca F. Harper
Max Harris
Bohree Kim
Akhil Mehta + (10)
Phineas H. Palmer
Emily Shaw
Heather Wegner Wald



Total Giving: $903

Participation: 10%

Adam J. Arthurs
Brian N. Boone
William W. Bray IV
Margot B. Brown
Ariel E. Dobkin
Pembroke H. Emanuelson
Julian B. Gewirtz (9)
James B. Gusberg
Nancy E. Monaco
Marguerite W. Paterson
Doug W. Prusoff
Benjamin I. Sperling (10)
Lydia H. Stepanek
Janay N. Sylvester
Benjamin I. Watsky (6)



Total Giving: $3,956

Participation: 17%

Avery S. Alchek +
Rebecca B. Bagnall
Theodore J. Clark
Pablo J. Cuevas
Makena E. Cunningham
Thomas B. Driscoll
Gabriela Guevara Egli
Hilary M. Hoffman
Eva E. Hughes
Alice E. A. Kamens
Joseph G. Kennelly
Erin M. Kinney
Ches Koblents-Mishke (6)
Luke A. Lamar
Allison C. Lyons
Dan L. Paltiel (9)
Elizabeth A. Roberge
Henry C. Schaffer
Emma M. Taylor (11)
Micha V. Thompson
Charles J. Weiss (9)
Nathaniel A. G. Zelinsky (11)
Matthew R. Zikaras


2010 | 10th Reunion

Total Giving: $3,983

Participation: 14%

Jacob G. Alchek +
Alexandra N. Briskin
Jonathan Y. Chien
Margaret C. Grimes
Rasa Guarnaccia
Ryan C. Healey + (9)
Michael A. Iannotti
Jeremy M. Janson
Madeline L. Kern (6)
Kelsey E. Martin (6)
Ashley M. Reidy (6)
Isabel W. Ruane
Katharine C. Schaffer (6)
Jill M. Stadterman
Franklin T. Sylvester, Jr. (6)
Rebecca E. Watsky (9)
Dalton O. Werner (6)
Karen Xiao
Robert T. Young (8)



Total Giving: $1,623

Participation: 15%

Alison M. Berman
Cormac D. Carr (6)
Devyn P. Curley
Jerrod M. Dobkin
Julia N. Eisen
Callie C. Ferguson
Cailin M. Gillespie
Samuel A. Greco (9)
Lauryn J. Isford
Miles R. Johnson
Connor H. Kistler
Natalie A. Lapides
Lucie F. Ledbetter (6)
Earl Y. Lin
Susanna M. Lustbader
Alexandra R. MacMullen
Justin J. Manley
Kendall T. Post
Mary C. Reidy
Peter M. Rosiello (9)
Alexander F. Siegenfeld
Claire H. Stepanek



Total Giving: $2,153

Participation: 14%

William W. Bagnall
Alec M. Bartimer
Leslie K. Brunker (8)
Emma M. Campbell-Mohn (8)
Tikim D. Coombs
Jashon R. DeSenna
Stephen A. Falcigno (8)
Emily A. Hall
Brendan J. Healey + (8)
Matthew A. Klein
Nyah K. Macklin
Andrew L. Nitirouth
Benjamin I. Paltiel (7)
Sanam Rastegar
Arya M. Reddy
Gregory D. Schaefer
Andrew D. Stone
John A. Sullivan (8)
Nicholas V. Urban



Total Giving: $1,751

Participation: x18%

Sarah Banker
Samuel R. Beck
Benjamin F. Capasso
Robert F. Chu
Melanie C. Daifotis
Alex B. Dillon
Georgia K. Galvin
Kelsey L. Handelman
Edward A. S. Hanlon
Michael R. Hellman
Joshua D. Knopf
Hannah L. Krystal
Micah H. Margolis (7)
Nailen T. Matschke
Thomas D. McGrath
Jonathan H. McLean
Ryan P. McMahon
Maxwell R. Pantalena
Patrick M. Quinn (6)
Sergio O. Ramirez
Gleeson K. Ryan
Urvashi Singh
Laura Srivichitranond Smitherman
Matthew A. Vine
Sarah Elizabeth Wagner (7)
Andrea A. Wooten



Total Giving: $xxx

Participation: xx%

Bennett R. Amador
Tenzin C. Choephel
Abigail J. Eberts (6)
Jeff E. Elbaum
Quinn F. Ferguson
Joshua A. Furth (6)
Alec B. Gewirtz (6)
Jack B. Greenberg (6)
Kaitlin M. Hickey
Brian A. Keller
Tongil A. Ko
Justin Lee
Dahlia S. Leffell
Zachary C. Lozon
Avi Mahajan
Genevieve R. Martin (6)
James M. Martino
Kevin G. Shannon
Campbell C. Streator (6)
Taegan W. Williams


2015 | 5th Reunion

Total Giving: $1,225

Participation: 18%

Jennee A. Blanco
Evan Z. Carlson
Ryenne P. Carpenter
Valerie N. Daifotis
Natalie Davis-Porada
Matthew P. Erodici
Rowan Etzel
Katherine A. Halas
Rachel B. Kaufman
Balal Khan
Michael A. Leone
Courtney Mettler
Kamsiyochukwu C. Nwangwu
Mairead M. O'Brien
Sayer S. Paige
Jacob R. Pierce
Jake M. L. Poliner
Jarett S. Poliner
Kyra C. Post
David W. Proctor
Morgan E. Quental
Noah F. Rennert
Walker S. Schneider
Griffin M. Smith
Sarah A. Srivichitranond
Elizabeth Ward



Total Giving: $1,267

Participation: 24%

Julia R. Bartimer
Jaclyn A. Berkowitz
Zachary S. Blitzer
Zoe A. Brodkin
Sasha N. Cabin
Emmanuel C. Chinyumba
William D. Collier
Simon E. Doss-Gollin
Aurora S. Fernandez
Maeve A. M. Flaherty
Eric Kong
Ethan R. Lester
Jennifer A. Levine
Miles D. S. Lourenco
Spencer W. Lovejoy
Catherine Martin
William McGrath
Cameron C. Morris
Eva S. Mullineaux
Justin L. Nitirouth
Madeline T. Prister
Jackson B. Quinn
Thomas M. Rosiello
Mollie R. Seidner
William T. Simon
Damini Singh
Neha Srivastava
Shannon Traynor
Juliette Verlaque
Alexandra D. von Riesemann
Nichlas G. Vranos
Emily Wang
Claire M. Yin
Nikolas A. Zarikos
Michael Zhou



Total Giving: $509

Participation: 15%

Solomon A. Aromolaran
Sanaea Z. Bhagwagar
Sydnee T. Blanco
Thomas J. Bordeaux, Jr.
Emma D. Bucklan
Benjamin J. Collier
Halle E. Dantas
Sean Y. Gao
Charles B. Graham
William D. Hartog
Sophia M. Kyrcz
Caroline J. Laplaca
Alexandra N. McCraven
John A. Sandberg
Caroline E. Simon
Riley J. Smith
Liam B. Sullivan
Caroline V. Vanderlee
Anna E. Walewski
Daniel L. Zackin
Michael Z. Zhu



Total Giving: $775

Participation: 17%

Kimberly C. Abate
Jason J. Alfandre
Kieran L. Anderson
Karyn E. Bartosic
Jeffrey W. Basta
John Batchelor
Alexandra R. Blitzer
Julia F. Cusick
Mitchell Delfini
Samantha P. Dies
Nikhil R. Etikela
Donasia I. Gray
Jeffrey Gu
Jennifer L. Horkovich
Neil M. Madhavani
Michelle V. Medina
Kayleigh A. Melillo
Abigail A. Miller
Isabelle J. Potash
Naomi C. Roberts
Kristina T. Yarovinsky
Emily C. Yin



Total Giving: $573

Participation: 12%

Audrey S. Braun
Katherine G. Broun
Jack R. Dove
Brennan M. Gollaher
Devaughn J. Hamm
Connor H. Hartigan
Elisabeth Hartog
Robert T. Jaques
Samuel B. Jenkins
Zubin J. Kenkare
Benjamin H. Levine
Charles W. Mason
Kyle Meury
Benjamin C. Washburne
Justin Ye



Peter A. Graham
Jack M. Potash









1660 Associates





​Beyond the numbers, charts, and lists of an Annual Report are the stories and achievements of those served. Your philanthropic investment in Hopkins has a meaningful and lasting impact on our students, today and in the future, and for that, we are enormously grateful.  Thank you.


Hopkins School’s Annual Report is published annually by the Advancement Office and reflects giving to the School from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. 


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of listings. Please notify the Advancement Office of any error or omission at Hopkins School, 986 Forest Road, New Haven, CT 06515, 203.397.1001 or


*Please note: The Hopkins Fund was formerly named the Annual Fund.

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