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Distinguished Alumni Committee, Alumni Association Board,
Reunion Committees, HBAN Leadership, Golf Committee

The Hopkins community is characterized by its extraordinary generosity and by its dedication to service. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave that most precious resource—time—in service of the School.


Bob Adnopoz ’50 HGS
Suzie Hoffer Alderman ’90
Bethany Schowalter Appleby ’85
Tom Armstrong ’03
Jeff Arons ’79
Tony Astmann ’76
Nory Babbitt ’76
Bill Bakke ’60 HGS
Justin Belcher ’95 HGS
Sharland Blanchard ’83
Jennee Blanco ’15
Adjoa Botwe-Asamoah ’94
Brian Borgerson ’79
Deke Bowerman ’64 HGS
Allie Briskin ’10
Corey Briskin ’06
Gail Brundage ’76
Amy Caplan ’91
Tyler Clark ’15
Tom Confrey ’70 HGS
Woolsey Conover ’55 HGS
Brian Cook ’97
Laina Jones Cox ’97
Bob Curry ’00
Katie D'Souza ’07
Ron Delfini ’84
Bruce DelMonico ’87
Karla DeMaio ’98
Elizabeth Fasano Ditman ’94
Tom Fahy ’88
Steve Falcigno ’78
Rick Fearon ’84
Emma Mueller Fedor ’05
Susan Guyott Fellows ’66 DPH
Dick Ferguson ’63 HGS
Burvee Franz ’89
Connie Frontis ’67 DPH
Cindi DeLuca Gagnon ’77
Dave Giordano ’85
Jack Greenberg ’14
Matt Greene ’86
Eamon Griffin ’98
Keisha Blake Harp ’93
Becky Harper ’07
Kate Higgins ’80
Marcella Hourihane ’85
Andy Huszar ’91
Dick Hutchinson ’65 HGS
Guy Iaccarino ’80
Bruce Jacobs ’69 HGS
Medina Tyson Jett ’83
Erin Johnson ’04
Luke Kelly-Clyne ’06
John Kimberly ’60 HGS
Erin Kinney ’09
Kirk Kolligian ’85
Jim Lapides ’70 HGS
Caroline Lautenbach ’15
Molly Levine ’10
L'Heureux Lewis-McCoy ’96
Bill Mack ’65 HGS
Nyah Macklin ’12
Marice Dorsey McNeil ’85
Chuck Moakley ’63 HGS
Al Mongillo ’50 HGS
John Mordes ’65 HGS
Bob Newman ’50 HGS
Gena Rega Newman ’95
Amanda Oberg ’90
Michaelangelo Palmieri ’95
Ken Potash ’88
Morgan Quental ’15
Brook Reams ’70 HGS
Ashley Reidy ’10
Faiza Mujtaba Riaz ’95
Willa Ridinger ’80
Hans Riemer ’70 HGS
Jeremy Rosner ’94
Jenn Hoos Rothberg ’00
Peter Sasaki ’87
Katie Schaffer ’10
Paul Schatz ’84
Rachel Schwartzman ’03
Tom Seymour ’60 HGS
Diane Kolligian Shannon ’77
Colby Lichtman Sirowich ’95
Brian Smith ’70 HGS
Griffin Smith ’15
Judy Smith ’79
Daniel Sperling ’05
Jill Stadterman ’10
Greg Tanner '92
Eric Tichy ’95
Luretha McClendon Tolson ’95
Matt Vine ’13
Ryan Walsh ’00
Elizabeth Ward ’15
Angela Wardlaw ’84
Bryan Warner ’03
Wayne Weil ’50 HGS
Scott Wich ’89
Ernie Williams ’71 HGS
Dick Wingate ’70 HGS
Tom Young ’55 HGS
Nathaniel Zelinsky ’09



​Beyond the numbers, charts, and lists of an Annual Report are the stories and achievements of those served. Your philanthropic investment in Hopkins has a meaningful and lasting impact on our students, today and in the future, and for that, we are enormously grateful.  Thank you.


Hopkins School’s Annual Report is published annually by the Advancement Office and reflects giving to the School from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. 


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of listings. Please notify the Advancement Office of any error or omission at Hopkins School, 986 Forest Road, New Haven, CT 06515, 203.397.1001 or


*Please note: The Hopkins Fund was formerly named the Annual Fund.

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