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Mr. Stephen E. Binder '81
Mr. Kevin Brennan and Mrs. Katherine Brennan P '23
Mr. Brian Cherry and Ms. Heather Cherry P '23
Mr. Namuk Cho and Mrs. Terry L. Cho P '22
Mr. Johan Eveland and Mrs. Kristen Eveland P '22
Mr. Paul Fossati and Ms. Kay Dickerson P '18, '21
Mrs. Marcia Southwick Gell-Mann '68 DPH
Mr. Robert Giglietti and Mrs. Stacy Giglietti P '20
Mr. Paul Gordon and Mrs. Sheri Rabiner-Gordon P '22
Mr. John Haeseler '55 HGS
Mr. Mark Healey '79 and Ms. Celia Pinzi '77 P '10, '12
Mr. Scott Hensel, Jr. and Mrs. Beth Hensel P '21, '24
Mr. Ethan E. Hugo '91
Mr. John C. Kennedy III '81
Mr. William J. Kneisel '65 HGS #
Mr. Thomas Lasersohn, Sr. and Mrs. Helen Lasersohn P '19, '21
Mr. Fernando Mercé and Mrs. Kelly Mercé P '22
Mr. Andreas Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett P '21, '23
Mrs. Barbara Rosiello and Mr. Robert Rosiello P '11, '16
Mrs. Debra Seiter and Mr. Christopher Seiter P '19, '21, '23
Dr. Steven Southwick '66 HGS
Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal P '22, '25
Mrs. Jacoba Urist '94 and Dr. Marshall Urist #
Mr. Joseph Waronka '59 HGS #
Anonymous (2)




1660 Associates





​Beyond the numbers, charts, and lists of an Annual Report are the stories and achievements of those served. Your philanthropic investment in Hopkins has a meaningful and lasting impact on our students, today and in the future, and for that, we are enormously grateful.  Thank you.


Hopkins School’s Annual Report is published annually by the Advancement Office and reflects giving to the School from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. 


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of listings. Please notify the Advancement Office of any error or omission at Hopkins School, 986 Forest Road, New Haven, CT 06515, 203.397.1001 or


*Please note: The Hopkins Fund was formerly named the Annual Fund.

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